I’m going to try and change the way you think about your original content and your repurposed content.
If you like, you can think of me as a Content Jedi Master here to change your mind-set and teach you how to see beyond your original content to create something bigger, better and more valuable.
When we think about repurposing content, we first have to consider our original piece of content, which could be anything from a podcast, a video, a blog post, a webinar, a talk..etc. We then need to think about how we can repurpose that content to create secondary content.
However, many people assume that nothing will ever be as good as that first piece of content. You original content becomes the ‘flagship’ content, and nothing can knock it down from its pedestal, right?
Instead of thinking that the original piece of content is where you have expressed your thoughts and opinions in the best light, consider this; what if that original piece of content is NOT your finest hour?
What if your finest hour is yet to come in the way that you repurpose your content?
Let me share a few real-life examples of when GREAT things have come from repurposed content because the people who created it were able to see beyond the original content and something even more exceptional was created because of it.
Dom Pérignon’s — Wine into Champagne
If you’ve been keeping up with the podcast, you’ll know that I love wine. So, it’s no surprise that the story of Dom Pérignon drew me in!
Did you know that champagne was discovered via repurposing ‘bad’ wine?! (sort of!).
Dom Pérignon was a French Benedictine monk from the 17th century. He is known for pioneering a variety of winemaking techniques. In 1670 it was his forward thinking that led him to see beyond the existing wine they produced to see its real potential.
So the story goes, the problem with the wine was the fact that it was quite bubbly. The bubbles were a sign or poor-quality and something that winemakers didn’t want to see. Instead of getting rid of the spoiled batch of wine and starting over again, Dom Pérignon experimented with different blending techniques, and thus, champagne was born!
This is a perfect example of someone who was able to see beyond the original to discover something even more precious.
In the same way, we can shift our mind-set and start to consider the possibility that your original piece of content may be repurposed into spectacular, wonderful, ‘bubbly’ content!!
Stephen King — Novel into Movie
Have you ever heard of Stephen King’s book, “Different Seasons”? If you’re a fan of the famous horror writer, chances are, you have it on your bookshelf or Kindle library, but if you’re not that familiar with his work, you’ve probably never heard of it.
‘Different Seasons’ is a collection of short stories and although it’s not as popular as say, “The Shining”, it manifested two of Stephen King’s most well-known movies of all time — The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me.
Shawshank Redemption is based on the first novella in Different Seasons called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption while Stand By Me is based on the third story, The Body.
As you can see, this is another prime example of content that has been repurposed into something much bigger and more successful than the original piece of content.
Both of those films are fantastic (in my opinion)…I have watched them more times that I can remember!
Valerie — Repurposed Song
We’ve all heard of the song “Valerie”, haven’t we? You know, the one that goes “Why won’t you come on over, Valerie” …well, you get the point.
Many of us associate this song with Amy Winehouse because she really made it her own and put a unique spin on it when she released her cover of the song in 2007 (yes…COVER!).
She didn’t write the song herself and wasn’t the first to release it. The original song belonged to the English indie rock band, The Zutons. They wrote and released the original “Valerie” song in 2006, but it was nowhere near as successful as Amy Winehouse’s version.
This shows that the original version of something isn’t always going to be the biggest or most successful version of itself.
It’s possible to go beyond the value of your original content by repurposing it into something much more significant.
Pareto Principle — The 80/20 Rule
Another excellent example of repurposed content that took on a life of its own is the Pareto Principle, otherwise known as the 80/20 Rule.
An Italian economist called Vilfredo Pareto published the paper, “Cours d’economie politique” in 1896 that was based on the fact that 20% of the population owned around 80% of the land in Italy. This is where the 80/20 rule originated, but how many of you have actually read the original paper?
I’m betting not a lot of you! And yet, you’ve most likely still heard of the 80/20 theory. You’ve most likely even said ‘80/20’ in some way, shape or form in your life perhaps?! How did this happen?
Well, the original writer did a lot of lectures and public speaking and other people listened to his idea and spread the word. Throughout the years, the Pareto Principle has gained further exposure and worldwide recognition thanks to word of mouth.
People took Pareto’s original paper and theory and repurposed it into something much greater. Nowadays, we talk about the 80/20 rule in business, marketing and management without any real link to the original paper that Pareto wrote back in 1896.
Pareto’s paper wasn’t alone what gave him international acclaim, but rather the first stepping stone that his content took towards greatness.
Food for Thought
Pareto’s story is the perfect example of forward thinking, repurposing and repackaging an original message and adding even more value to it with the new form of content.
It’s important to remember that different people are going to connect with you in different ways.
So, if you create an original piece of content such as a video, podcast or public speech, why limit your content’s potential? Repurposing and repackaging your original piece of content can help you to communicate with a broader audience.
With everything you create, you should always try and add value by expanding one piece of content into a new piece and then adding even more value to your original idea or concept.
Sometimes, the first piece of content you create is just the beginning of something more fantastic to come.
To watch a short video of me explaining each of these content repurposing examples in more detail, hit play below:
Thanks for reading!
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Originally published at www.content10x.com.