The Content 10x Audiobook is Here: How to Repurpose an Audiobook into a Podcast Episode
I’m excited to announce that the audiobook version of my book, Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results is out now! You can get it on Amazon, Audible and Apple!
Although it took a lot of time and effort to record the audiobook over at Rebel Base Media Studios in Sheffield, UK, it was more than worth it. I’m so happy with how it turned out. And, I can’t wait for you to hear the full book in audio form!
Also, I’m delighted that Chris Ducker, who wrote the Foreword for the book, was happy to record the audiobook Foreword. So, the book is 99% my voice with a little bit of Chris’s voice at the start!
I’m a podcaster, and sharing audio content every week is something that I do, combined with the other thing that I do…content repurposing. So, it seemed like a fantastic idea to repurpose my audiobook (or at least one chapter of it) into an episode of the podcast!
Watch the short video below to find out what you can learn from this episode:
If you are an author, and you have an audiobook, have you ever considered repurposing a section/chapter of your audiobook into a podcast episode? Of course, you’d need to have a podcast too, but if both of these factors were true…what are you waiting for?!
If you’ve taken the time to record an audiobook then you’ve got perfect audio content for repurposing into a podcast episode.
All you have to do now is record an intro and outro (if you want to) for the episode. Then, pair it with a clip from your audiobook recording and ta da! You’ve successfully repurposed a part of your audiobook into a podcast episode ready to share with your listeners. And, hopefully it’ll encourage them to buy the audiobook.
N.B. Here’s an important factor to keep in mind if you are repurposing sections of your audio book. Make sure you check the rights of your audiobook distribution agreement!
I decided to repurpose the first chapter of my book — What is Content Repurposing? — into the podcast episode below:
Here’s what you’ll learn from the first chapter of my book, Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results:
- How content repurposing can help maximize the potential of every piece of content you create
- Unearthing the true meaning of content and content marketing
- Creative ways you can repurpose your content
- Indisputable reasons why you owe it to yourself, your content, and your audience to repurpose
- A few real-life examples of content repurposing done right
If you enjoyed this article why not check out the podcast? Grab the full audiobook for yourself or a friend! Well you can get it on Amazon, Audible, and Apple.
Originally published at on December 12, 2019.