How Content Repurposing Can Help You Win the Zero Moment of Truth

Amy Woods
5 min readNov 4, 2021


Research is an integral part of the buying process. Whether you’re looking for a new laptop, investing in a service for your business, or just trying to find the best window cleaner in your area, it’s unlikely you’ll make a purchasing decision without some further information first.

Google has coined a term for this pre-purchase research process — The Zero Moment of Truth.

It might sound like just another piece of marketing jargon, but it’s not — understanding how to win the Zero Moment of Truth gives you a competitive advantage in your marketplace.

If you create content, I’ve got some good news for you. Content is a brilliant way to win the Zero Moment of Truth…and I’m going to explain why.

Keep reading to find out the part content plays in winning the Zero Moment of Truth, and how repurposing can speed up this process and secure more sales to your ideal clients.

What is the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)?

Before I get into the juicy content part of this article, let me give you a little bit more of an introduction to the Zero Moment of Truth.

The Zero Moment of Truth (hereon after referred to as the ZMOT) is a term for that part of the buying process where you do your due diligence. It’s a different way of thinking about the marketing model based on consumer behavior.

The ZMOT is essentially the last part of the consideration stage, as your prospects are really taking the time to think about whether this investment is right for them before they sign (or not) on the dotted line.

For more on the marketing funnel, including illustrations of what content is best to create at every stage, check out the article: How to Repurpose Your Content for Your Marketing Funnel.

Here’s another explanation of the ZMOT from those who created the concept, Google:

Here’s a quick example before I move on. Before you book a hotel, what’s your process? Do you find a hotel in the right area and reserve a room straight away? Or do you do some research first?

I always look at reviews (sometimes on multiple sites), browse the website and any social platforms they might use to see pictures and check where it is on Google Maps before I decide on the hotel I want. This is the ZMOT in action.

Why the ZMOT is important to your business

In a nutshell, when people reach the ZMOT, they’re on a precipice. They’ll either buy or they won’t. It’s up to you to give them a reason to make that leap of faith.

If your prospect decides to take that leap, then you’re going to see more revenue, and more growth, and it’s going to help you on your way to achieving your business goals and dreams.

As a business owner, you want to get your high-quality, qualified leads to this stage. And, if you create content, the likelihood is that your prospects will be your ideal clients when they reach the ZMOT.

In fact, content helps you on your way to winning the ZMOT because…well… content is giving information away all the time, just like research!

So what does a winning journey look like for you and your prospect?

The 3 elements to winning the Zero Moment of Truth

Google also did a study that said a prospect will only be ready to make this buying decision when they feel like they really trust you. This level of trust takes 7 hours to gain.

That’s a lot of time spent with one prospect. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be in-person interaction. It doesn’t have to be one-on-one. Content can fill those 7 hours for you.

The even better news is that you don’t have to spend those 7 hours all in one go. They can be spread out over time, and also over different interactions, in different spaces.

According to Google, to reach and win the ZMOT, you need to focus on achieving these three elements:

  • 7 hours
  • 11 interactions
  • 4 locations

If this seems like an overwhelming amount of work, remember, content can help you. And actually, with some content repurposing magic, just one piece of content could be enough to hit all three of these requirements!

I’m going to explain how.

How to use content repurposing to win the Zero Moment of Truth

With a slick content marketing and repurposing strategy, you can get to this ZMOT in a highly effective, organic way.

I believe the best and most efficient way to reach and win the ZMOT is to create one epic piece of content and repurpose it into many shareable and engaging pieces. Then, in theory, that one piece of epic content could transform someone who’s completely new to your brand into someone that’s ready to buy from you!

Here’s an example.

How about creating a video podcast? This gives you lots of opportunities for repurposing a vast range of multimedia content that can keep your audience engaged for 7+ hours in 4 locations (or more), and facilitate far more than 11 interactions.

You could…

  • Edit the entire video or some select segments into a polished version and upload it to YouTube or your website
  • Strip out the audio and publish it as a podcast episode on all the podcasting apps
  • Create an accompanying blog post for your website — the article could be syndicated to other sites too if you wish
  • Turn quotes and questions into eye-catching graphics
  • Use the blog and graphics to create an awesome downloadable whitepaper or report
  • Write a summary of your content, including the key takeaways, and send it to your email subscribers
  • Create a selection of engaging text, image, and video posts for social media — and schedule them out over a series of weeks to keep capturing people’s attention

Those are just some ideas to get you going. When you think creatively, you can repurpose your content into so much more!

Why it’s easier to win the Zero Moment of Truth with content

By repurposing your content for different platforms, you’re easily going to be able to establish a presence and engage with your audience in more than four locations. If you look at the example, that includes a website, video platforms, podcast platforms, multiple social media channels, and email…

And you’re looking at countless touchpoints! Especially if you follow this repurposing process every week.

Plus, with a mixture of long-form pieces like a podcast episode, a blog post, and a white paper, you’re going to be making big steps toward those magic 7 hours and helping your prospects reach that all-important ZMOT.

One final thing to point out — content really performs a dual function when you think about it in terms of the ZMOT. Because it doesn’t just help people decide that they want to know more, and encourage them to research your brand further, but it is part of the research. It both draws people in and helps them on their way to the end result.

So if you’re considering whether content is a worthwhile investment, it’s a no-brainer! It’s the only part of your business that’s able to spend that amount of time with your prospects, in that many places, and keep returning results time and time again.

What else is going to work that hard for your business?

Say Hello on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Originally published at on November 4, 2021.



Amy Woods
Amy Woods

Written by Amy Woods

Businesses owner, speaker, author, podcaster and content repurposing expert. Founder of Content 10x (

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