When I first started Content 10x, and I talked about all of my ideas for working with podcasters, I must have been advised by 5 different people in the space of a week to have a chat with Colin Gray….and I did. Our paths have subsequently crossed at various conferences in the UK and abroad, which is always nice, and it was a real pleasure to talk to Colin about content stacking.
Colin is the founder of ThePodcastHost.com — a website all about podcasting covering podcasting skills, resources, equipment (and podcast ‘shiny objects’!), and pretty much all things podcasting! Colin also has a coaching membership for podcasters, and a podcasting app called Alitu.
It seemed wholly appropriate to video record and audio record Colin’s interview given we were talking about a content repurposing approach that does exactly that (plus a blog and a Medium article— this!)
During my interview with Colin we talked about his approach for repurposing his content — an approach that Colin refers to as ‘content stacking’.
This makes sense because essentially he ‘stacks’ podcast, video and blog content together. We follow a very similar approach at Content 10x.
Why Colin wanted his The Numbers Game podcast in video, audio and text?
Colin has 5 different podcasts, and he explained how they are all produced in different ways. For his podcast, The Numbers Game, he wanted to try out an approach where he repurposed as much as possible. Colin decided that he wanted to have the content from the show in video, audio and text.
Text is how you reach the most people — it’s the easiest way to get found.
Video ups engagement — your personality can shine through and video provides more of a chance to connect with people and gain trust
Podcasts can offer a more in-depth look at topics and are something that you can move people to when they are ready to consume your content in a more focused way. This is where you really get attention and you gain LOYAL fan and subscribers.
The method…it starts with the idea
It’s really important to think through your idea and plan it out…far better than making decisions on the fly! Colin’s tip was to think about the most common questions that you get asked, then break that down even further into many more related and deeper questions. From that you may even have a whole season of content.
When you have your idea, create a bullet point outline. This is for the overall content idea — not specific to a blog post, podcast or video — it’s the idea for all three.
Filming your podcast on video
Film yourself recording the podcast. The audio can be extracted and used as a video.
Colin’s tip is to break the video down into very discreet sections and only take a specific section out to be shared on YouTube.
The philosophy behind this is that people are not as likely to watch a 30-minute video on YouTube as they are to listen to a 30-minute podcast. They are more likely to watch a 3–5 minute video on YouTube.
For example, with his Podcaft podcast he records it all on video, but only takes one segment where he answers a listener’s question and that is the video that he shares on YouTube.
Have a listen to the full podcast episode or watch the video, Colin shares techniques for how to present your podcast/video.
The blog post
You can use your initial outline and watch the video, and then create a blog post.
Colin’s big tip here is to write your blog post as soon as you have recorded your podcast/video. Everything is still still fresh in your head!
The effect
Colin advised that by creating podcasts, video and blog content, ThePodcastHost.com have seen a lot deeper engagement from their audience.
People find them on YouTube, then they head to the blog post, then they listen to the podcast.
Some people follow a different route — for example the find the podcast first, then head to blog, then video…. everyone is different. The deeper engagement that they have seen creates loyal fans, brand advocates and customers.
Getting Started
If you want to give this a go, don’t overcomplicate things. You can use a smartphone and a smartphone tripod to record the video. To make sure that you record good quality audio Colin recommended a rode smart lav plus microphone which plugs into your smartphone and it records really good quality audio.
Of course, remember that we can help you with this too!
To find out more about Colin and ThePodcastHost.com click here — especially if you are a podcaster or aspire to be one!
Thanks for reading
Say Hello on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, iTunes, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Originally published at www.content10x.com.