Best of Social Media Content Repurposing Tips

Amy Woods
7 min readAug 8, 2019


On a mission to maximise your content’s reach and engagement on social? The answer lies in repurposing and there are lots of ways to repurpose long-form content onto social media (blog, video, podcast etc). Not only that, but you can repurpose social media content too. For example, you can repurpose your Facebook Live videos, IGTV videos, etc. You can take your best-performing social content and repurpose it across multiple channels, presenting it in a different way to new audiences.

But the way you repurpose social media content varies depending on the channel. What works well on Twitter might not strike the same chord with an Instagram audience, for example. So, when it comes to repurposing social media content, where should you begin? And, how can you repurpose your social content on all of the different platforms?

This article is a round-up of some of the best social media content repurposing tips that we’ve shared on the podcast in the past 6 months. I’m taking my own advice from episode 91 of our podcast, where I talked about how you can bring back some of your ‘best bits’ and create new, fresh content!

So, are you ready to discover some golden tips to help you repurpose your social media content?

Here’s our top social media repurposing tips to help you create and share engaging content for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter:

Repurposing LinkedIn Live Videos

Live video expert Ian Anderson Gray spoke with me about how to get started with LinkedIn Live. He shared lots of great tips when it comes to repurposing social media content on LinkedIn.

You can leverage LinkedIn Live to help demonstrate your expertise to your ideal audience. LinkedIn is a professional social platform connecting businesses. So, the platform gives people the perfect opportunity to connect with potential employers, candidates and clients, etc. It’s a great way to target your perfect audience!

If you begin by recording a LinkedIn Live video, you can use that as your pillar content to repurpose into more marketing material. For example, you can repurpose the audio recording from your live video into a podcast episode.

To record the audio for repurposing later, you can use a third-party tool such as Adobe Audition to record the audio as well as the live -stream. Therefore giving everything you need to repurpose the audio from your LinkedIn Live into a podcast. And, since you’ve got the video recording of your live stream too, you can repost it later. So, anyone who missed it can catch up with you via the replay video.

One way you can repurpose social content for LinkedIn is to take the key points from your live discussion and wordsmith it into a great article to share with your connections on LinkedIn.


If you’re a little apprehensive about going live, just practice! Know that the first few probably won’t be perfect, but the more you do it, the more you’ll improve. Write down three things that you did really well (and pat yourself on the back), and three things that you can improve for next time.

Repurposing Video Content on Facebook

Did you know that Facebook attracts over 2 billion active users each month?

That’s a lot of people! So, as a content creator, you should never underestimate the power of repurposing social media content on Facebook.

On episode 75 of the podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Liz Melville. Liz is a highly regarded Facebook ads and marketing specialist, with over eight years of experience in promoting brands and businesses online. She had so many amazing tips to share when it comes to repurposing social media content on Facebook.

Facebook is heavily focused on compelling video content that engages people. Video content is the top priority within their algorithm and there’s so much you can do with video to expand your reach and get more visible.

Of course, you can always create native video content on the platform. But when it comes to repurposing, you can take a longer video from your YouTube channel or elsewhere and choose compelling snippets. Then you can use these snippets to create shorter videos from under a minute to around 90 seconds that make a point, engage and connect with your audience.

Attention spans these days are short, so you need to think carefully about what your audience wants to consume. Shorter videos are a perfect way to test out what formats work, what lengths work, and what people do and don’t respond to.


If you record a Facebook Live, aim for around 15–16 minutes — that’s a perfect duration for retaining audience engagement. Then…repurpose it!

You can turn your Facebook Live video into a written article, into a podcast episode, into graphics, into a YouTube video….and so much more. It’s all about having a repurposing mindset.

Repurposing on Instagram

Do you want to get more eyes and engagement on your Instagram posts?

You’re probably aware that Instagram posts with hashtags get way more engagement than those without any. But, are you using hashtags on Instagram to get the best possible results? Or, are you ‘winging’ it by choosing a few random hashtags and hoping for the best?

When used properly, incorporating relevant hashtags in your Instagram posts can improve your reach. Knowing how to use hashtags on Instagram is vital. This is because they can help your posts perform better and cultivate an interest in you, your business, and your brand.

At Content 10x, we have a formula of how many popular, moderately popular and targeted niche tags we use:

  • Popular hashtags can have anywhere from 500k to 1m posts. The popular tags give you a quick burst of exposure that dies down in minutes.
  • Moderately popular hashtags have 10s of thousands up to 500k posts. When you use moderately popular hashtags, your exposure can last for hours or even days.
  • Super niche hashtags have less than 100k posts and continue to provide a trickle of exposure for weeks.

To learn more about repurposing social media content on Instagram and using hashtags correctly, we’ve got a great episode all about how you can use hashtags on Instagram. Make sure to have a listen to that one!

Another great way to repurpose your social media content on Instagram is by repurposing horizontal videos from YouTube onto IGTV.

You can learn more about this and the latest changes to IGTV on episode 89 of the podcast — “Changes to IGTV — Repurposing YouTube Videos onto IGTV”.

Whilst IGTV does allow horizontal video uploads now, videos can still only be 10 minutes long (for most accounts). Instagram stories is still vertical video format only, as is Facebook Stories and Snapchat.

If you want to find out how to repurpose a horizontal video into a vertical format, in a really cool, well-branded and slick way, then head to episode 44. In this episode I released a podcast, blog post and video tutorial showing you how to do exactly that. This is actually one of our most popular posts according to Google Analytics!

Repurposing Twitter Chats

Back on episode 59 of the podcast, I interviewed Madalyn Sklar. Madalyn is a leading Twitter marketing expert and the person to speak to when it comes to repurposing social media content on Twitter. She specifically discusses how to create an engaging Twitter chat then make it go further.

But first, what is a Twitter chat?

A Twitter chat is a way to have a conversation on Twitter by using a specific hashtag, i.e #repurposingpro. They happen at a set time each week and the host of the chat will ask questions in their tweets, labeling them 1, 2, 3. Participants can then reply to those tweets using the hashtag to join in the conversation.

You can easily do a one hour long Twitter chat and then repurpose that video into a Facebook Livestream. So, if you wanted to have a shorter conversation on Twitter chat, you could then invite your guest (if you have one) to join you in a Facebook Livestream. Then during the Livestream you can discuss the topic of the chat in even more detail.

Content on Twitter is very fleeting — you tweet one day and it’s gone, way down your timeline the next. But with Facebook Live, all your past live videos are saved forever onto your profile. And, you can even create a playlist, like on YouTube, to showcase your favorite videos.

But the repurposing doesn’t stop there, oh no!

There are many ways you can continue repurposing social media content on Twitter

For example, you can even repurpose your Twitter Chats into blog post roundups, which puts all of the key points from the discussion into one easy to consume blog post.

In Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed taking this trip down memory lane with us and found lots of great tips and advice when it comes to repurposing social media content.

If you’d like to keep up with the podcast, please subscribe to the show on your fav podcast app. And, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date with everything going on here at Content 10x!

Thanks for reading!

Say Hello on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Originally published at on August 8, 2019.



Amy Woods
Amy Woods

Written by Amy Woods

Businesses owner, speaker, author, podcaster and content repurposing expert. Founder of Content 10x (

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