5 Ways to Repurpose Customer Interviews

Amy Woods
5 min readJul 7, 2022

We all love hearing feedback from customers about our products and services. The positive feedback can be celebrated and shared far and wide. The not-so-good feedback gives us the opportunity to reflect and improve.

The comments, stories and experiences our customers share with us can fuel us to continue creating great content.

One of the best ways to receive this feedback is through customer interviews. Your customer interviews may push you to review your services, change your messaging or mix up your marketing strategy…and more.

But have you ever considered repurposing them?

Repurposing your customer interviews is a great way to promote your brand with the backing of real customers to reinforce your message.

In this post, we share some of the most effective ways you can repurpose your customer interviews. Find out 5 ways you can extend their lifespan across all stages of your marketing funnel and how we put our own advice into practice.

Why conduct customer interviews?

Let’s touch on why customer interviews are so effective. Here are 3 benefits of customer interviews:

  • Improved messaging

You may think you truly understand the problem that your product/service solves.

You may think your product is simple for customers to use, or your service is straightforward and clearly understood.

But there’s no better way to find out than by asking your customers.

Hearing what works and what doesn’t can really help you improve your marketing. You can understand their pain points and identify nuances in the language they use to ensure you truly talk to your customer through your content.

  • Changes in customer behaviors and needs

Even if your brand is an industry leader, it doesn’t mean you’re serving your customers in the best possible way all the time. Customer behaviors change, as do the challenges they face and solutions they seek.

Asking customers directly can help you adapt your offerings, and content marketing strategy, in this fast-paced world we live in.

  • Content — with all-important repurposing potential!

Recorded customer interviews (ideally video but audio-only works too) become content in their own right.

Not just any content, but content bursting at the seams with repurposing potential.

5 ways you can repurpose customer interviews

Without further ado, here are 5 ways you can repurpose customer interviews.

1. Podcasts

Podcasting has grown more than anyone could have imagined over the past decade, especially since the pandemic struck in 2020.

Statista report that 424.2 million people worldwide consumed podcasts in 2022 and IAB say that the podcasting industry will be worth $4 billion by 2024.

If you don’t have a podcast, could now be the time to start one?

Podcasts provide an excellent way to connect with your audience, but they can be time-consuming to create. If you’re already struggling to juggle a million and one other marketing exploits, creating a podcast may not be high on your list of priorities.

This is where content repurposing comes into play!

Interview formats are incredibly common in the podcasting world, particularly business and B2B podcasts, so if you conduct recorded customer interviews why not repurpose them into podcast episodes?

2. Thought leadership articles

Business magazine Inc. suggests successful thought leadership articles “focus on storytelling” and “address real-world business problems”.

Customer interviews tick both of those boxes, so surely the two go hand-in-hand?

Customer interviews are an effective way to showcase how you work with your customers to confront real-world business problems.

You can share the main takeaways from the interview by weaving quotes into thought leadership articles or even use the premise of a customer’s feedback as the basis of a piece.

These can be posted to your website or syndicated to industry publications to get even more eyes on them.

Repurpose your most valuable findings and cement your place at the forefront of your industry!

3. Social media images

Repurposing your customer interviews into impactful social media images is a brilliant idea.

A happy client’s words can really boost your reputation. If a prospective customer needed one final reason to make that positive purchasing decision, this could tip them in your favor.

Your customer interviews are about sharing stories and experiences, so consider an image carousel for Instagram and LinkedIn too.

Here’s a tip: at Content 10x, we use Otter.ai to transcribe audio and video content and make it easier to pick out key quotes. These can be made into attention-grabbing quote images and you can use the copy to expand on the quote.

Another smart way to repurpose your customer interviews!

4. Email newsletters

If you send out an email newsletter to your subscribers, try adding the positive passages from your customer interviews. Or, you could try longer excerpts or just a simple quote or two.

Not all of your email subscribers will be active followers of your brand. But many may still be opening their emails and reading your words.

Remember: subscribers may just be waiting for one final thing to make that purchasing decision and seeing a customer story could just encourage them to take action.

5. Social media videos

If you video record your customer interviews, edit them into snackable videos for social media. Find high-impact, engaging or memorable interview segments and create compelling video content for TikTok, Instagram, Twitter…etc.

It’s a brilliant idea to press ‘record’ when carrying out these interviews as it opens up so many repurposing opportunities.

Even if the customer interviews you’ve conducted are audio-only, you could create an audiogram instead of a video with enticing graphics to get your audience interested. Just us slipping in one extra example — no need to thank us!

Ready to repurpose customer interviews?

We hope we’ve opened up your eyes to the potential that customer interviews have.

Before we even consider them as content, they help us to understand our customers more — improving our messaging, marketing, products and services, sales content, and more.

Then when we hit that record button, they transform into content as well. That’s when repurposing magic can happen.

So, we hope you like our 5 (well, kind of 6) ways to repurpose customer interviews.

Which one will you be trying first?

Say Hello on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Originally published at https://www.content10x.com on July 7, 2022.



Amy Woods

Businesses owner, speaker, author, podcaster and content repurposing expert. Founder of Content 10x (content10x.com).